Easy1 - Little Sheep Animation Studio

Little Sheep Animation Studio

Have complex theory animation made

Do you give training courses, workshops or lessons to students and do you feel that certain material does not stick? Then a complex theory animation is a good idea.

Our theory animations

From complex story to understandable animation

When words fail, it’s time to opt for a new strategy: an animated video. An animated video is worth a thousand words and comes across much better to viewers.

Our animators take every detail into account and convert your complex theory into an understandable animation with a healthy dose of creativity. This is how we make a difference together.

Rather an animation than a video with speakers

Do you notice that students stray or do you want to add an extra dimension to your material? Then choose animation. An animated video works better than a video with actors.

Why? Well, a video with speakers and actors often distracts people. After all, we like to judge other people. An animation feels more neutral, is more fun and stays close to the perception of truth.

Contact Little Sheep

We at Little Sheep make difficult things easy. That is why we also have competitive and transparent rates.

Interested? Put together your own package today or contact us directly.

Our customers

Save The Children
Gemeente Amsterdam
Gemeente Amstelveen